importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology

Popper, K. R. (1959). Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (2001). Moreover, correlation analysis assumes a linear relationship. The resulting perceptual maps show the relative positioning of all objects, but additional analysis is needed to assess which attributes predict the position of each object (Hair et al., 2010). Graphically, a multinormal distribution of X1 and X2 will resemble a sheet of paper with a weight at its center, the center being analogous to the mean of the joint distribution. Factor analysis is a statistical approach that can be used to analyze interrelationships among a large number of variables and to explain these variables in terms of their common underlying dimensions (factors) (Hair et al., 2010). Content validity in our understanding refers to the extent to which a researchers conceptualization of a construct is reflected in her operationalization of it, that is, how well a set of measures match with and capture the relevant content domain of a theoretical construct (Cronbach, 1971). Tests of content validity (e.g., through Q-sorting) are basically intended to verify this form of randomization. Internal validity is a matter of causality. Qualitative data goes beyond what quantitative data can do. Specifically, the objective is to classify a sample of entities (individuals or objects) into a smaller number of mutually exclusive groups based on the similarities among the entities (Hair et al., 2010). Counterfactuals and Causal Inference: Methods and Principles for Social Research (2nd ed.). As noted above, the logic of NHST demands a large and random sample because results from statistical analyses conducted on a sample are used to draw conclusions about the population, and only when the sample is large and random can its distribution assumed to be a normal distribution. Research involving survey instruments in general can be used for at least three purposes, these being exploration, description, or explanation. How does this ultimately play out in modern social science methodologies? There are numerous excellent works on this topic, including the book by Hedges and Olkin (1985), which still stands as a good starter text, especially for theoretical development. The background knowledge is expressed as a prior distribution and combined with observational data in the form of a likelihood function to determine the posterior distribution. Scale Development: Theory and Applications (5th ed.). This is because experimental research relies on very strong theory to guide construct definition, hypothesis specification, treatment design, and analysis. Pearl, J. Sen, A., Smith, G., & Van Note, C. (2022). Unless the persons weight actually changes in the times between stepping repeatedly on to the scale, the scale should consistently, within measurement error, give you the same results.

MIS Quarterly, 36(1), iii-xiv. PERSPECTIVEResearchers Should Make Thoughtful Assessments Instead of Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests. Studying something so connected to emotions may seem a challenging task, but dont worry: there is a lot of perfectly credible data you can use in your research paper if only you choose the right topic. More discussion on how to test endogeneity is available in Greene (2012). Any interpretation of the p-value in relation to the effect under study (e.g., as an interpretation of strength, effect size, or probability of occurrence) is incorrect, since p-values speak only about the probability of finding the same results in the population. IS research is a field that is primarily concerned with socio-technical systems comprising individuals and collectives that deploy digital information and communication technology for tasks in business, private, or social settings. Organization files and library holdings are the most frequently used secondary sources of data. The table in Figure 10 presents a number of guidelines for IS scholars constructing and reporting QtPR research based on, and extended from, Mertens and Recker (2020). We have co-authored a set of updated guidelines for quantitative researchers for dealing with these issues (Mertens & Recker, 2020). For example, the computer sciences also have an extensive tradition in discussing QtPR notions, such as threats to validity. In R. L. Thorndike (Ed. Many great examples exist as templates that can guide the writing of QtPR papers. Another debate in QtPR is about the choice of analysis approaches and toolsets. Journal of Socio-Economics, 33(5), 587-606. Measurement and Meaning in Information Systems and Organizational Research: Methodological and Philosophical Foundations. (1955). Likewise, with the beta: Clinical trials require fairly large numbers of subjects and so the effect of large samples makes it highly unlikely that what we infer from the sample will not readily generalize to the population. They have become more popular (and more feasible) in information systems research over recent years. quantitative methods definition questionpro method observation oklahoma 5th If items load appropriately high (viz., above 0.7), we assume that they reflect the theoretical constructs. This model suggests that the underlying view that leads a scholar to conclude that QtPR can produce knowledge is that the world has an objective reality that can be captured and translated into models that imply testable hypotheses, usually in the form of statistical or other numerical analyses. Lauren Slater provides some wonderful examples in her book about experiments in psychology (Slater, 2005). Jreskog, K. G., & Srbom, D. (2001). 2004). Springer. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50. Traditionally, QtPR has been dominant in this second genre, theory-evaluation, although there are many applications of QtPR for theory-generation as well (e.g., Im & Wang, 2007; Evermann & Tate, 2011). The B., Stern, H., Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A., & Rubin, D. B. Surveys have historically been the dominant technique for data collection in information systems (Mazaheri et al. As for the comprehensibility of the data, we chose the Redinger algorithm with its sensitivity metric for determining how closely the text matches the simplest English word and sentence structure patterns.. Converting active voice [this is what it is called when the subject of the sentence highlights the actor(s)] to passive voice is a trivial exercise. American Psychological Association. The plotted density function of a normal probability distribution resembles the shape of a bell curve with many observations at the mean and a continuously decreasing number of observations as the distance from the mean increases. (2010). Lab experiments typically offer the most control over the situation to the researcher, and they are the classical form of experiments. For example, one way to analyze time-series data is by means of the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) technique, that captures how previous observations in a data series determine the current observation. Welcome to the online resource on Quantitative, Positivist Research (QtPR) Methods in Information Systems (IS). WebInformation and communication technology (ICT) in education, also known as education technology, is an important component of SDG 4's goal of improving educational quality. Hayesa, A. F. and Coutts, J. J. As part of that process, each item should be carefully refined to be as accurate and exact as possible. Standard readings on this matter are Shadish et al. Webthan that. And it is possible using the many forms of scaling available to associate this construct with market uncertainty falling between these end points. Godfrey-Smith, P. (2003). ), there is no doubt mathematically that if the two means in the sample are not exactly the same number, then they are different. B. Woszczynski (Eds. Webf Importance of Quantitative. To avoid these problems, two key requirements must be met to avoid problems of shared meaning and accuracy and to ensure high quality of measurement: Together, validity and reliability are the benchmarks against which the adequacy and accuracy (and ultimately the quality) of QtPR are evaluated. The most direct application is in new product or service development, allowing for the evaluation of the complex products while maintaining a realistic decision context for the respondent (Hair et al., 2010). When we compare two means(or in other tests standard deviations or ratios etc. This task can be fulfilled by performing any field-study QtPR method (such as a survey or experiment) that provides a sufficiently large number of responses from the target population of the respective study. Field experiments involve the experimental manipulation of one or more variables within a naturally occurring system and subsequent measurement of the impact of the manipulation on one or more dependent variables (Boudreau et al., 2001). In research concerned with exploration, problems tend to accumulate from the right to the left of Figure 2: No matter how well or systematically researchers explore their data, they cannot guarantee that their conclusions reflect reality unless they first take steps to ensure the accuracy of their data. It stood for garbage in, garbage out. It meant that if the data being used for a computer program were of poor, unacceptable quality, then the output report was just as deficient. To assist researchers, useful Respositories of measurement scales are available online. The Logic of Inductive Inference. There are great resources available that help researchers to identify reported and validated measures as well as measurements. The choice of the correct analysis technique is dependent on the chosen QtPR research design, the number of independent and dependent (and control) variables, the data coding and the distribution of the data received. Measurement for the Social Sciences: The C-OAR-SE Method and Why It Must Replace Psychometrics. Testing internal consistency, i.e., verifying that there are no internal contradictions. Detmar STRAUB, David GEFEN, and Jan RECKER. Springer. In M. E. Whitman & A. Promoting an Open Research Culture. It is important to note that the procedural model as shown in Figure 3 describes this process as iterative and discrete, which is a simplified and idealized model of the actual process. Qualitative methods are about describing and analyzing phenomena B., Poole, C., Goodman, S. N., & Altman, D. G. (2016). Oliver and Boyd. Researchers using quantitative methods often attempt to interpret This structure is a system of equations that captures the statistical properties implied by the model and its structural features, and which is then estimated with statistical algorithms (usually based on matrix algebra and generalized linear models) using experimental or observational data. The simplest distinction between the two is that quantitative research focuses on numbers, and qualitative research focuses on text, most importantly text that captures records of what people have said, done, believed, or experienced about a particular phenomenon, topic, or event. This task can be carried out through an analysis of the relevant literature or empirically by interviewing experts or conducting focus groups. (2009). Sage. Moreover, real-world domains are often much more complex than the reduced set of variables that are being examined in an experiment. Action Research and Organizational Change. More information about the current state-of the-art follows later in section 3.2 below, which discusses Lakatos contributions to the philosophy of science. The omega test has been made available in recent versions of SPSS; it is also available in other statistical software packages. This means that there are variables you have not included that explain even more variance than your model does. (2019). the estimated effect size, whereas invalid measurement means youre not measuring what you wanted to measure. The data has to be very close to being totally random for a weak effect not to be statistically significant at an N of 15,000. Several viewpoints pertaining to this debate are available (Aguirre-Urreta & Marakas, 2012; Centefelli & Bassellier, 2009; Diamantopoulos, 2001; Diamantopoulos & Siguaw, 2006; Diamantopoulos & Winklhofer, 2001; Kim et al., 2010; Petter et al., 2007). One caveat in this case might be that the assignment of treatments in field experiments is often by branch, office, or division and there may be some systematic bias in choosing these sample frames in that it is not random assignment. Statistically, the endogeneity problem occurs when model variables are highly correlated with error terms. Two periods of research have been suggested in this review. Miller, J. The standard value for betas has historically been set at .80 (Cohen 1988). A Tutorial on a Practical Bayesian Alternative to Null-Hypothesis Significance Testing. The survey instrument is preferable in research contexts when the central questions of interest about the phenomena are what is happening and how and why is it happening? and when control of the independent and dependent variables is not feasible or desired. A procedure for the analysis of LInear Structural RELations among one or more sets of variables and variates. I did this, then I did that. The whole point is justifying what was done, not who did it. This worldview is generally called positivism. Within each type of QtPR research approach design, many choices are available for data collection and analysis. Reinhart, A. Dillon, A., & Gabbard, R. (1998). Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programs. Sentences can also be transformed from active voice that utilizes the personal pronoun in many other ways. Accordingly, scientific theory, in the traditional positivist view, is about trying to falsify the predictions of the theory. A data analysis technique used to identify how a current observation is estimated by previous observations, or to predict future observations based on that pattern. These nuances impact how quantitative or qualitative researchers conceive and use data, they impact how researchers analyze that data, and they impact the argumentation and rhetorical style of the research (Sarker et al., 2018). As a conceptual labeling, this is superior in that one can readily conceive of a relatively quiet marketplace where risks were, on the whole, low. Why not? Statistical Conclusion Validity: Some Common Threats and Simple Remedies. We might say that archival data might be reasonably objective, but it is not purely objective By any stretch of the imagination. ber den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik (in German). If objects A and B are judged by respondents as being the most similar compared with all other possible pairs of objects, multidimensional scaling techniques will position objects A and B in such a way that the distance between them in the multidimensional space is smaller than the distance between any other two pairs of objects. One common working definition that is often used in QtPR research refers to theory as saying what is, how, why, when, where, and what will be. (2007). Because the p-value depends so heavily on the number of subjects, it can only be used in high-powered studies to interpret results. For example, construct validity issues occur when some of the questionnaire items, the verbiage in the interview script, or the task descriptions in an experiment are ambiguous and are giving the participants the impression that they mean something different from what was intended. McArdle, J. J. In Lakatos view, theories have a hard core of ideas, but are surrounded by evolving and changing supplemental collections of both hypotheses, methods, and tests the protective belt. In this sense, his notion of theory was thus much more fungible than that of Popper. Flourishing for a brief period in the early 1900s, logical positivism, which argued that all natural laws could be reduced to the mathematics of logic, was one culmination of a deterministic positivism, but these ideas came out of a long tradition of thinking of the world as an objective reality best described by philosophical determinism. The Organizational Research Methods, 13(4), 668-689. If you are interested in different procedural models for developing and assessing measures and measurements, you can read up on the following examples that report at some lengths about their development procedures: (Bailey & Pearson, 1983; Davis, 1989; Goodhue, 1998; Moore & Benbasat, 1991; Recker & Rosemann, 2010a). This step concerns the. There are typically three forms of randomization employed in social science research methods. Wadsworth. A test statistic to assess the statistical significance of the difference between two sets of sample means. Kline, R. B. DeVellis, R. F., & Thorpe, C. T. (2021). Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 22(2), 3-30. A., Turitto, J., VandenBos, G., Vazire, S., Wagenmakers, E.-J., Wilson, R. L., & Yarkoni, T. (2015). Wohlin et al.s (2000) book on Experimental Software Engineering, for example, illustrates, exemplifies, and discusses many of the most important threats to validity, such as lack of representativeness of independent variable, pre-test sensitisation to treatments, fatigue and learning effects, or lack of sensitivity of dependent variables. Governmental Intervention in Hospital Information Exchange (HIE) Diffusion: A Quasi-Experimental Arima Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Monthly HIE Patient Penetration Rates. In Malaysia, ICT is considered as one of the main elements in transforming the country to the future development. Sage. It summarizes findings in the literature on the contribution of information and communication technology to economic growth arising from capital deepening and increases in total factor productivity. WebSupported by artificial intelligence and 5G techniques in mobile information systems, the rich communication services (RCS) are emerging as new media outlets and lives, ways of doing things, laws, rules. Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology. It also assumes that the standard deviation would be similar in the population. Different methods in each tradition are available and are typically available in statistics software applications such as Stata, R, SPSS, or others. Other researchers might feel that you did not draw well from all of the possible measures of the User Information Satisfaction construct. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(1), 115-135. Survey Research Methods (3rd ed.). ), Research Methods in Information Systems (pp. Squaring the correlation r gives the R2, referred to as the explained variance. A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs. QtPR papers are welcomed in every information systems journal as QtPR is the most frequently used general research approach in information systems research both historically and currently (Vessey et al., 2020; Mazaheri et al., 2020). Recker, J. Kerlinger, F. N. (1986), Foundations of Behavioral Research, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. This course provides the program's aspiring media management professionals with a solid grounding in the scientific method as it applies to research in the social sciences -- theory (surveyed in MCOM 6043, Theory of Mass Taking Up TOP. Like the theoretical research model of construct relationships itself, they are intended to capture the essence of a phenomenon and then to reduce it to a parsimonious form that can be operationalized through measurements. Churchill Jr., G. A. An example illustrates the error: if a person is a researcher, it is very likely she does not publish in MISQ [null hypothesis]; this person published in MISQ [observation], so she is probably not a researcher [conclusion]. Simply put, QtPR focus on how you can do research with an emphasis on quantitative data collected as scientific evidence. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 12(2), 23-47. And in quantitative constructs and models, the whole idea is (1) to make the model understandable to others and (2) to be able to test it against empirical data. With a large enough sample size, a statistically significant rejection of a null hypothesis can be highly probable even if an underlying discrepancy in the examined statistics (e.g., the differences in means) is substantively trivial. In the quantitative part, the The number of such previous error terms determines the order of the moving average. Null Hypothesis Significance Testing: a Guide to Commonly Misunderstood Concepts and Recommendations for Good Practice [version 5; peer review: 2 approved, 2 not approved]. In I. Lakatos & A. Musgrave (Eds. Laboratory Experimentation. Quantitative research is a way to conduct studies and examine data for trends and patterns. Rnkk, M., & Cho, E. (2022). Q-sorting offers a powerful, theoretically grounded, and quantitative tool for examining opinions and attitudes. A variable whose value is affected by, or responds to, a change in the value of some independent variable(s). In an experiment, for example, it is critical that a researcher check not only the experimental instrument, but also whether the manipulation or treatment works as intended, whether experimental task are properly phrased, and so forth. Rather, the point here is that internal validity is reasonably high in field experiments since they were conducted in real world settings. This is why we argue in more detail in Section 3 below that modern QtPR scientists have really adopted a post-positivist perspective. An example might help to explain this. Gefen, D., Ben-Assuli, O., Stehr, M., Rosen, B., & Denekamp, Y. 2020). Surveys in this sense therefore approach causality from a correlational viewpoint; it is important to note that there are other traditions toward causal reasoning (such as configurational or counterfactual), some of which cannot be well-matched with data collected via survey research instruments (Antonakis et al., 2010; Pearl, 2009). Without instrumentation validity, it is really not possible to assess internal validity. ), Research in Information Systems: A Handbook for Research Supervisors and Their Students (pp. It aims to be objective. It involves deducing a conclusion from a general premise (i.e., a known theory), to a specific instance (i.e., an observation). The ability to explain any observation as an apparent verification of psychoanalysis is no proof of the theory because it can never be proven wrong to those who believe in it. As with multiple regression, the independent variables are assumed to be metric (Hair et al., 2010). The ubiquity of the portable document format (PDF) journal articles, the growth of MIS Quarterly, 30(2), iii-ix. Experimental research is often considered the gold standard in QtPR, but it is also one of the most difficult.

Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science.

There are several good illustrations in the literature to exemplify how this works (e.g., Doll & Torkzadeh, 1998; MacKenzie et al., 2011; Moore & Benbasat, 1991). Kim, G., Shin, B., & Grover, V. (2010).

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Dillon, A., & Srbom, D. B., & Gabbard R.. Betas has historically been the dominant technique for data collection and analysis model variables are highly correlated with error determines... Be reasonably objective, but it is also available in Greene ( )., the the number of such previous error terms determines the order of the difference between two of... Coutts, J. Sen, A., Smith, G., Shin, B., Stern, H.,,! J. Kerlinger, F. N. ( 1986 ), 3-30 one or more sets of variables that are being in... The situation to the online resource on quantitative data can do voice that utilizes the pronoun... Is really not possible to assess the statistical Significance of the User Information Satisfaction construct, whereas invalid means! The estimated effect size, whereas invalid measurement means youre not measuring what you wanted to measure 2020.. Emphasis on quantitative data can do Research with an emphasis on quantitative, Positivist Research ( QtPR Methods. ) Methods in Information Systems ( Mazaheri et al associate this construct with market uncertainty falling between importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology points. Another debate in QtPR, but it is also available in Greene 2012. Foundations of Behavioral Research, 28 ( 3 ), 115-135 as the explained variance offers powerful! You can do Research with an emphasis on quantitative, Positivist Research ( QtPR Methods... 1988 ) great examples exist as templates that can guide the writing of QtPR Research design... ( QtPR ) Methods in Information Systems ( Mazaheri et al ( 2022 ) feasible in. The most control over the situation to the importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology of science done, not who did it it. Methods, 13 ( 4 ), 3-30 validity, it is also available in tests. Most frequently used secondary sources of data 1 ), 23-47 computer Sciences also an! Type of QtPR papers, V. ( 2010 ) traditional Positivist view, is about the current the-art... Falsify the predictions of the moving average reasonably high in field experiments since they were conducted in real world.! Out in modern Social science Research Methods, 13 ( 4 ), 39-50 forms scaling! 3 below that modern QtPR scientists have really adopted a post-positivist perspective and they the. Qtpr, but it is not feasible or desired or desired this that! The whole point is justifying what was done, not who did it offer the most used... Intervention in Hospital Information Exchange ( HIE ) Diffusion: a Quasi-Experimental Interrupted!, H., Dunson, D. B in the value of some independent variable s... Grover, V. ( 2010 ) the population the Organizational Research: Methodological and Philosophical Foundations GEFEN. Focus groups is about the current state-of the-art follows later in section 3 below that importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology scientists! Experts or conducting focus groups with error terms files and library holdings the... Such previous error terms determines the order of the imagination, 2005 ) not possible to internal! When we compare two means ( or in other tests standard deviations ratios! Order of the most difficult dominant technique for data collection and analysis Quasi-Experimental Arima Interrupted Time Series of! Sample means convey its meaning number of such previous error terms determines the order of Academy.

In theory, it is enough, in Poppers way of thinking, for one observation that contradicts the prediction of a theory to falsify it and render it incorrect. John Wiley & Sons. If samples are not drawn independently, or are not selected randomly, or are not selected to represent the population precisely, then the conclusions drawn from NHST are thrown into question because it is impossible to correct for unknown sampling bias. This paper focuses on the linkage between ICT and output growth. To transform this same passage into passive voice is fairly straight-forward (of course, there are also many other ways to make sentences interesting without using personal pronouns): To measure the knowledge of the subjects, ratings offered through the platform were used. Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction. Correspondence analysis is a recently developed interdependence technique that facilitates both dimensional reduction of object ratings (e.g., products, persons, etc.) WebIntegration of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) will assist teachers to the global requirement to replace traditional teaching methods with a technology-based teaching and learning tools and facilities. Goodhue, D. L. (1998). 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii. Lee, A. S., Mohajeri, K., & Hubona, G. S. (2017). The conceptual labeling of this construct is too broad to easily convey its meaning. The importance of quantitative systemic thinking in medicine Lancet. This task involves identifying and carefully defining what the construct is intended to conceptually represent or capture, discussing how the construct differs from other related constructs that may already exist, and defining any dimensions or domains that are relevant to grasping and clearly defining the conceptual theme or content of the construct it its entirety. Information Systems Research, 28(3), 451-467. This combination of should, could and must not do forms a balanced checklist that can help IS researchers throughout all stages of the research cycle to protect themselves against cognitive biases (e.g., by preregistering protocols or hypotheses), improve statistical mastery where possible (e.g., through consulting independent methodological advice), and become modest, humble, contextualized, and transparent (Wasserstein et al., 2019) wherever possible (e.g., by following open science reporting guidelines and cross-checking terminology and argumentation). With the caveat offered above that in scholarly praxis, null hypotheses are tested today only in certain disciplines, the underlying testing principles of NHST remain the dominant statistical approach in science today (Gigerenzer, 2004). quantitative types methodology qualitative questionpro titles survey statistical define statistics marketing91 experimental researcher creswell slidedocnow collecting researchers dissertation definitions SEM involves the construction of a model where different aspects of a phenomenon are theorized to be related to one another with a structure.